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Five other reasons for DW in the Cloud

Skriven av Pär Lilja | Feb 1, 2018 11:00:00 PM

Snowflake’s Cloud Data Warehouse functionality opens an entire new field in the BI Industry, making previously complex DB tasks into simple everyday actions. Even if you don’t think that cloud stuff is for you there still might be some perks to have a look at beyond the Big Five of Cloud Computing: Cost Efficiency, Simplicity, Capacity, Scalability and Maintainability.

Datasets on Demand

Keeping test data in line with production data is always a headache, putting a strain on production systems and hardware for copying and cloning. Hardware issues might also affect the possibility for true performance benchmarking. Snowflake Cloning functionality helps you create or clone production data in seconds without increasing costs. Several projects can test in parallel without affecting each other. Time Travel functionality can easily reset your dataset between runs. Setting up computational clusters for performance benchmarking is equally simple. Size and create after needs in seconds. Shut it down in seconds too. Pay only for what you use.

Access Anywhere

The Cloud is available everywhere and so will your data be. You will be able to get hold of your data without intricate VPN, VDI or other Remote Access solutions. Short term external projects can work off-site on own devices dependent only on internet access. And as your workplace develops with new devices and access methods, so will the cloud!

Data Sharing

If you are consuming or delivering data externally, you’re in for a treat! Snowflake delivers a built-in Data Sharing functionality that shares data seamlessly across accounts. No extra storage needed. Just use the data as if it was your own. As more and more data becomes available in the cloud you will have better and faster access for improving your solution. New sources and techniques will be adapted and made available continuously.

The Data Sharing functionality might also create opportunities for your company to share and sell data of your own!

Cloud application integration

Not only data is moving into the Cloud. Entire systems covering Sales, ERP and CRM are available online. SaaS Cloud solutions makes accessing data into an already Cloud based DW fast and without the need of extra hardware layers. Adapters and connections are made available by the suppliers as new solutions roll out. By moving your analysis into the Cloud, you are creating a solution that will adapt faster for future changes in your business applications.

Compliance and Data Governance

Compliance comes in many forms, but by using Cloud adapted tools like Talend or WhereScape you always know where your data is heading and where it comes from. Data lineage tools, documentation automation and metadata repositories will give you an end-to-end traceability of your sensitive data. Impact analysis will also give you a full picture of what you need to change to comply to source changes or target requirements!

The cloud also creates an ideal target for your Master Data and it’s governance as you will be able to easily share and access your data across your organization.

Check it out!

Don’t miss out on the advantages with a Cloud base approach to your analysis. Get from idea into action! For more information about the fancy Snowflake functionality take a look at

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask! We are happy to give short demos of the functionality if needed!