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Cybersecurity in telecom – incidents, response and the future

Skriven av Säkerhetsteamet på Knowit Insight | Dec 8, 2022 11:00:00 PM

For a long time, our society has been relying on telecom infrastructure. With rapid digitialization, the pandemic, and the war in Ukraine, it’s obvious that this dependency is more critical than ever.

With this realization in mind, Knowit arranged a webinar where we discussed the objectives of nations when targeting telecom infrastructure, what we can learn from cyberattacks in Ukraine and Asia, and incident response in telecom infrastructure. The webinar also included a quick tour of what security looks like in 5G and provided some insights into what you should be aware of. It's now available online: 



The following speakers participated in the event:

Cathal Mc Daid, CTO at Enea AdaptiveMobile Security and one of the world's foremost experts in mobile network security, talked about Ukraine: Impact of mobile networks in a hybrid conflict.

Patrick Kall, former security architect and incident responder working with nation state level threat actors in Southeast Asia, talked about Incident response in telecom infrastructure.

Bjørn-Are Karolius, managing director of Knowit Cybersecurity & Law in Norway with more than 20 years of experience with most things related to IT, talked about 5G security

Lastly, Elin Wallgren and Christoffer Willander, who both work with penetration testing at Knowit Cybersecurity & Law, held a presentation about their Master thesis: Method for penetration testning for SIP

The webinar ended with a panel discussion where the speakers discussed various questions relating to the future of cybersecurity in telecom infrastructure.